The trusted partner. For better lives.
Who we are
We develop and manufacture medicines, ensuring a safe supply of life-improving products. This is done by our 200 proficient employees at our four sites in Norway. Curida is on a growth journey where revenue and growth is expected to continue in the coming years, as a series of products is currently being added to the Curida portfolio through technology transfer and product development projects.
In Curida, we live by our core values. We are:
1. Introduction
Corporate ethics are about how we behave towards each other and the world around us. The Code of Conduct (CoC) is the foundation of our corporate culture and defines the core principles and ethical standards by which we create value in our company. The CoC gives guidelines to how we shall behave both internally and externally. CoC shall stimulate ethical awareness and be a guideline for everyday actions.
The CoC applies to all member of the board, all employees and representatives of Curida. Curida aims for these guidelines also to be well known by customers, suppliers, acquired companies and partners. All managers are responsible for the CoC being known, lived up to, and that actions will be taken if codes are broken. Each employee has a responsibility to read and follow the CoC.
Violation of the CoC will be subjected to disciplinary action including possible termination as well as potential criminal prosecution. To ensure that every part of our value chain fulfils Curida’s high standards of quality and ethical conduct, we routinely perform controls on compliance with the principles described in this document.
2. Values, personal conduct, working environment and human rights
In Curida, we live by our core values. These values guide our behaviour and our decisions – internally and externally.
Curida expects employees who live by our values, who treat others with respect and maintain an open communication. In Curida there shall be no discrimination or harassment of age, gender, disabilities, race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion or political affiliation. Curida shall be an engaging workplace with an inclusive working environment. Curida expects that no employees make any actions that could harm the Curida brand.
When we are working in other cultures than our own, we treat everyone – persons as well as organisations – with respect, and we are acting in accordance with national laws and regulations. We also pay attention to local etiquette and values in the countries we are working in. In meetings with contacts outside Curida we appear as professionals in behaviour and conduct. Curida supports and respects internationally proclaimed human rights, including those specified by the International Labour Organization. The company respects the right to freedom of association and opposes any form of child labour, forced labour or discrimination, and requests all representatives and suppliers to follow the same principles.
Curida undertakes development services and manufacturing of pharmaceutical products. We therefore operate in a highly regulated business, where premium quality on products and processes are of the highest importance.
3. Sustainability
We manage our environmental impact and seek to continuously improve the sustainability of our activities by. We work to increase efficiency of the use of renewable energy in our facility, economizing on our use of non-renewable energy and raw materials; minimizing the amount of waste we generate, and minimizing any adverse environmental effects associated with the manufacturing of products in our portfolio.
Curida strictly complies with all environmental, health, and safety laws that apply to our operations, but we also strive to go beyond legal minimums to proactively reduce the potential for environmental impact of our activities. We aim to work with partners who also regard minimal environmental impact of their value chain as an increased quality in the end product, namely a safe and effective pharmaceutical product or medical device.
4. Conflicts of interests
No personal interests or personal gain shall affect your work in Curida. As an employee you shall never take actions or have interests that make it difficult to perform your work objectively and effectively. You shall never be a part of, or influence decisions or actions, where you can be a part of a conflict of interest between you and the company. In such situations Curida is expecting openness and loyalty to Curida.
Curida employees shall not hold positions or carry out work for other companies without permission from a superior. Engagements in external duties and positions shall not affect your working relationship with Curida. Each employee is responsible to inform Curida management about a real or potential conflict of interest.
Curida was established when a group of employees and management acquired the Takeda manufacturing site in Elverum, Norway in 2015. The acquisition followed Takeda’s decision to shut the site down and move all manufacturing to other parts of Europe. The manufacturing site, which has existed since 1974, had been part of Nycomed until 2011.
Under Takeda, the Elverum site had around 200 employees and was the largest private employer of the area. Curida started out with a smaller operation at its inception in 2015. Since then, the site has experienced significant growth in terms of both revenue and employment, and it will in the near future approach the size it saw at its historic peak in 2013.
The employees showed great courage when starting their own company under uncertain conditions in 2014 and 2015. Before Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg reopened the Elverum site under the Curida name on July 1st 2015, the employees had put more than 10,000 hours of volunteer work into making the new company a reality.
The employees and management remained the only owners of Curida until December 2017, when Norwegian family offices Canica and Klaveness Marine invested in Curida. Shortly after, the Norwegian governmental investment fund Investinor and family office Stokke Industri followed. The employees and management still control more than 20 percent of the shares in Curida.
In 2018, to increase the Norwegian footprint, Curida acquired Ås Produksjonslab, located south of Oslo. Ås Produksjonslab performs fill and finish of bottle products for the Norwegian pharmacy market.
The growth continues, and in 2022 Curida acquired Diatec Monoclonals, a biologics company in Oslo. With this Curida is entering the biologics market and is as such positionned for further growth.
Want to partner with us?
Contact us to learn more about our pharmaceutical development or manufacturing solutions. We look forward to discussing your next project with you! Our customers range from academic research, start-ups and early stage Biotech companies, to Big Pharma.
Director, Ås produksjonslab
Ørjan L. Apeland
Customer service, raw materials
Mette Stenstad
Ås Produksjonslab
Gamleveien 2
1434 Ås
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